Adelaide Accountancy

decide which content should be promoted or boosted and maybe which content shouldn’t here Justin sorry sorry well you can go first time was up it’s very subjective Adelaide Accountancy i if it I’ve always said that you you need to share compelling content it’s either have to it has to add more value to the people

who read it than to yourself and it should either you know it should it should have some knowledge that they can glean from it or it should be funny ideally so I just have a subjective way of looking at it and thinking if it’s a good fit for my brand and what I want to get across on the page and and then we tack it up there we like to do a lot of stuff in office to of little little videos of the staff doing things because it allows people to be able to touch and feel a personality as a staff and as an office so that’s kind of it’s very there’s very subjective process I can’t tell you I have any real real strategy for that and in gypsum what do you think

about how to target the boosting that you use so for me I think about if I a stack of flyers that I want pass out to people now that I think that that further now if I kidding yes stereotype certain people and I want to make sure that my flight gets in their hands that’s probably start formulating the facebook ads in the process going about targeting people so in my mind that pitches and person who I want to hand this flyer to and then I picture you know how I get that to happen do licenses at platform the books is nice sometimes uses social more for it expensive times developing an ad I want to make sure that it’s actually going to the right group and

I have much more control over the fire up the Aflac so for example we want to do make it know that we just don’t BTW from erica’s office and we wanted to target you know certain demographic group into certain area of people and we were able to do that and give that information out to those people like you’re lying baseball hat so if you can think of it an old school boo you want to pass out flyers to which is it fair that flyer